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Unavailable WordPress Sites: Key Facts and Statistics

Explore a comprehensive discussion on the importance of uptime monitoring for WordPress websites, including causes of downtime, impact on business revenue, and preventive measures.

A study by Pagely found that approximately 40% of WordPress sites experience downtime at least once per year.

According to a report by Internet Society, the average website experiences about 3 hours of downtime per month.

Every second, thousands of websites experience some form of downtime. Google processes around 99,000 searches per second, many of which lead to websites that are either temporarily unavailable or experiencing performance issues​ (Oberlo)​​ (DemandSage)​.

Significant investments in SEO and site promotion are wasted if your site crashes or goes down when users visit from a Google search, even if it ranks on the first page of Google.

SEO: Indirect but significant business losses due to website downtime.

Google PPC Advertise and website availability

No specific data is available regarding the exact percentage of paid advertisements on Google that lead to inaccessible sites.

But, yes, it has happened that companies remained unaware for extended periods—days or even weeks—that their website was down or not functioning correctly.

Frequency of Inaccessible Sites

While exact percentages can vary, research indicates that a significant portion of Google searches can lead to sites that are temporarily inaccessible or experiencing issues. According to SEMrush, around 26% of desktop searches and 17% of mobile searches result in zero clicks, which includes instances where users do not click through because the site is down or unresponsive​ (Smart Insights)​​ (First Page Sage)​.

Install WPMissioncontrol for WordPress uptime monitoring—free for up to 3 sites and provides quick alerts if your site goes down.

Uptime monitoring refers to continuously checking if a website is operational and accessible. For WordPress websites, maintaining high uptime is crucial for several reasons:

  1. User Experience: Downtime can lead to frustration for visitors, which may result in a negative perception of your site and brand.
  2. Revenue Loss: For e-commerce and business websites, downtime directly translates to lost sales and potential clients.
  3. SEO Impact: Search engines prioritize websites with high uptime, and frequent downtime can negatively impact your search engine rankings.
  4. Credibility: Consistent uptime helps build trust with users, showcasing the reliability and professionalism of your site.

Causes of Downtime

  1. Server Issues: Hardware failures, maintenance, and network problems can cause server outages.
  2. Software Errors: Bugs, conflicts between plugins or themes, and WordPress core updates can lead to site crashes.
  3. Traffic Spikes: Unexpected surges in traffic, such as from viral content, can overwhelm your server if it needs to be adequately prepared.
  4. Cyber Attacks: DDoS attacks, malware, and hacking attempts can disrupt your website’s availability.
  5. Human Error: Mistakes during updates, configuration changes, or content uploads can inadvertently cause downtime.

Statistics on Losses

  • Financial Impact: According to Gartner, the average cost of IT downtime is $5,600 per minute. This figure varies significantly based on the size and nature of the business.
  • User Impact: A report by Pingdom suggests that a 10-second page load time can result in a 123% increase bounce rates.
  • SEO Impact: Google’s algorithms favor websites with high availability. Prolonged downtime can lead to a drop in search rankings, reducing organic traffic.

Basic Prevention Measures

  1. Choose Reliable Hosting: Select a reputable hosting provider with solid uptime guarantees and robust infrastructure.
  2. Regular Updates: Keep WordPress, themes, and plugins up-to-date to prevent vulnerabilities and compatibility issues.
  3. Backup Solutions: Implement regular backups to restore your site quickly in case of quick failure.
  4. Security Measures: Use security plugins, firewalls, and SSL certificates to protect against cyber threats.
  5. Monitoring Tools: Utilize uptime monitoring services like UptimeRobot, Pingdom, or Jetpack to receive alerts and respond promptly to downtime.
  6. Load Balancing: For high-traffic sites, consider load-balancing solutions to distribute traffic evenly and prevent server overload.
  7. Content Delivery Network (CDN): CDNs can improve site speed and availability by distributing content across multiple servers globally.

By implementing these measures, you can minimize the risk of downtime and ensure a smooth, reliable experience for your WordPress website users.

One of the most famous cases of significant business losses due to a brief website crash occurred with Amazon during Prime Day in 2018. Here are the details:

Amazon Prime Day 2018 Crash


  • Date: July 16, 2018
  • Duration: The site experienced issues for several hours starting at the beginning of Prime Day, one of Amazon’s most significant sales events.


  • Revenue Loss: It was estimated that Amazon could have lost up to $100 million in sales during the downtime.
  • User Experience: Customers faced difficulties accessing the site, adding items to their carts, and completing purchases, leading to frustration and negative social media buzz.
  • Market Reaction: Despite the issues, Amazon still reported high sales for Prime Day, but the incident highlighted the importance of robust infrastructure for handling massive traffic spikes.

Lessons Learned:

  • Infrastructure Scaling: The crash underscored the need for even the largest online retailers to improve their infrastructure and scalability continuously.
  • Preparedness for Traffic Spikes: Proper load testing and server capacity planning are crucial, especially during anticipated high-traffic events.

This incident is a reminder of the crucial need for uptime and preparedness for online retailers, especially during critical sales events.

WPMissionControl is a comprehensive website monitoring solution designed to enhance security, performance, and reliability for WordPress websites.

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