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WPMissionControl Blog

Stay updated with the latest tips, insights, and news on WordPress performance and security. The WPMissionControl Blog covers everything from best practices for website maintenance to in-depth guides on using our plugins. Explore comprehensive articles on enhancing your website’s uptime, optimizing SSL certificates, and maintaining overall site health. Learn how to proactively detect and resolve issues before they impact your visitors. Our blog also features expert advice on improving website speed, securing your WordPress installation, and leveraging additional plugins to boost your site’s performance. Stay informed about the newest trends and updates in the WordPress ecosystem. Join our community of WordPress enthusiasts and ensure your site is always running at its best. Empower your website management with the knowledge and tools you need to keep your site secure, fast, and reliable.

Common WordPress Security Breaches: How to Identify and Resolve Them

Common WordPress Security Breaches: How to Identify and Resolve Them

WordPress powers a majority of the web, making it a prime target for security breaches, with WordPress sites experiencing 90,000 attacks per minute.  Ensuring the security of your WordPress site is crucial, especially for small to medium-sized businesses and individual site owners. In this article, we’ll tackle common security breaches and provide actionable solutions to […]

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SSL certificate expiration monitoring

SSL certificate expiration monitoring

Understanding SSL Certificate Expiration Monitoring In 2024, there are over 292 million active SSL certificates used worldwide. These certificates, issued by various Certificate Authorities (CAs), include a massive number from Let’s Encrypt, which manages about 301.1 million active certificates and issues around 3.16 million new ones daily. Since SSL certificates typically last around 397 days, […]

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Unavailable WordPress Sites: Key Facts and Statistics

Unavailable WordPress Sites: Key Facts and Statistics

Explore a comprehensive discussion on the importance of uptime monitoring for WordPress websites, including causes of downtime, impact on business revenue, and preventive measures. A study by Pagely found that approximately 40% of WordPress sites experience downtime at least once per year. According to a report by Internet Society, the average website experiences about 3 […]

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Site on WordPress: Your Ultimate Guide

Site on WordPress: Your Ultimate Guide

So, you’re thinking about creating a website, huh? Whether you’re a newbie looking to start a blog or a business aiming to go digital, WordPress is your best friend. It’s user-friendly, adaptable, and packed with features to get your site up and running without breaking a sweat. Here’s the lowdown on everything you need to […]

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WP Security Negligence: The Hidden Dangers and SEO Pitfalls

WP Security Negligence: The Hidden Dangers and SEO Pitfalls

In the bustling world of website management, WordPress stands out as a dominant force, powering over 40% of all websites. However, the very popularity of WordPress makes it a prime target for security threats. Neglecting WordPress security can lead to dire consequences, not only for your site’s integrity but also for your SEO rankings. Moreover, uptime monitoring, if not handled correctly, can harm your […]

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Lock It Down: The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Security

Lock It Down: The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Security

Welcome to the wild world of WordPress, the internet’s favorite platform for building websites, blogs, and online stores. With great power comes great responsibility, and in this case, that means making sure your WordPress site is locked down tighter than a drum. Whether you’re a seasoned webmaster or a WordPress newbie, security is paramount. Let’s dive into the risks and solutions that will keep your […]

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The Importance of External Uptime and Health Monitoring for WordPress Websites

The Importance of External Uptime and Health Monitoring for WordPress Websites

In today’s digital age, websites play a crucial role in establishing an online presence and driving business success. Among the various website platforms available, WordPress remains a popular choice due to its flexibility, user-friendliness, and vast plugin ecosystem. However, managing a WordPress website comes with its own set of challenges, and one critical aspect that […]

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